Girl Scout Troop 537

Summer Activities List

bouse apartment homes summer fun activities list

Girl Scout Troop 537 will host the following activities after your child has picked up their lunch on the following dates:

These activities are FREE for your chlid/children

Location:  1029 Brookshire Ct. Parking lot and adjacent playground

                The Activity Area is located in the same parking lot as your child receives their lunch

Time:         11:00 – 11:45 am

bouse apartment homes summer fun activities list

Annual Resident Appreciation BBQ

Its that time of year again!

Time for us to show our Appreciation to our Residents!

Bring your whole family for some BBQ, soft drinks and most of all fun.


June 15th 

4:30pm – 7:30pm


Our New Office located at 2604 West Blvd.
( just behind the BP gas station in the Colonial Square Office Center )

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summer picnic Bouse Rentals
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April Fools day is fast approaching and for many families and friends it can be a long day of annoying gags and frustrating tricks. After all it is the pranksters holy day!

How did it all start!

So how did this fool-ish day get its start. As usual their are many theories. Some link it back to a tale by Chaucer in 1392 called “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale”. But according the website

Still others believe April Fools’ Day got its start because of the adoption of a new calendar in 1582. Many ancient cultures celebrated New Year’s Day around April 1.

In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII ordered the use of a new calendar, known as the Gregorian calendar, which celebrated New Year’s Day on January 1. According to legend, many people refused to recognize the new calendar or simply didn’t know about it. These people continued to celebrate New Year’s Day on April 1.

Eventually, other people began to make fun of these “fools” by sending them to look for things that did not exist (called a “fool’s errand“) or tricking them into believing something false.

Regardless of where you land on this argument one thing we can all agree on is that April 1st will always be the day Rent is due! and that’s no joke 🙂


Annual Rick Watson Fall Golf Classic. 4 person scramble. $100 per golfer. All proceeds will benefit the D.A.R.E. & Scared Straight programs. Held at the Orchards Golf Course
Starts: 09/08/201610:00 am
Ends: 09/08/2016
Duration: 9 hours:
Fall Golf Classic
1499 Golf Course Drive Belleville, IL 62220 US
Ticket Price: $


The proceeds of the Sheriff Watson Fall Classic benefits the D.A.R.E. & Scared Straight programs


Sheriff Watson Fall Classic Details


4 Person Scramble – $100 Per Golfer – $150 Tee Sign


Shotgun Start 10:00am

rick watson golf classic

Download the Fall Golf Classic Registration Form

download sheriff watson fall classicClick here to download the Flyer for the 4th Annual Sheriff Rick Watson Fall Golf Classic